A web-based information system for registering, processing and issuing strategic goods and their licenses. With the help of Stratlink, application, processing and issuing of licenses becomes easy and transparent

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Trade in strategic goods and provision of related services is strictly governed by rules. The basic principle is that such trade requires a license and/or must be reported. Stratlink is a national web-based information system for registering traders and processing strategic trade authorizations.

With the help of Stratlink, applying for, processing of and issuing of licenses becomes easy and transparent. The system stores applications, processing data and license documents in the database and keeps a log of all the activities undertaken.

Transparent and accurate strategic trade control helps prevent illicit trade in proliferation sensitive items, enhance national security, and facilitate legitimate trade through faster scrutiny of applications.

For the past 7 years, 12 countries from various regions around the globe have successfully implemented and tailored the e-licensing platform Stratlink, to align with their legislations and country-specific requirements.

Today, Stratlink stands as a testament to the collective expertise and experience of some of the world’s most forward-thinking strategic trade licensing practitioners. These countries have embraced a transparent digital platform designed to enhance the efficiency of application processes and mitigate delays and other obstacles to legitimate trade.

Main advantages of Stratlink

stratlink is made up of two parts


Available to all applicants


Available to organizations, officials and subject matter experts responsible to manage of strategic strade


Everyone who wants to apply for a license, an end use certificate, or some other authorization for strategic trade purposes can log into the system and take advantage of the following possibilities:


The back office of Stratlink is meant to be used by all the Government entities responsible for implementing strategic trade controls in the country. Every back-office user has their own defined rights and roles, which are assigned to them by the system administrator. The country can generate as many different roles in the system as it wants. The user rights of each role can be customized with almost endless possibilities. Users can be divided into different roles once different rights have been created/assigned. In addition, Stratlink can be used by multiple licensing agencies.

Here are some of the main activities the back-office users can carry out in Stratlink:

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